Not ready to scan? Start here: Set up your shop floor for barcode scanning.

The items below are normally printed on barcode labels and made available to employees. You can do that with MS Word or Excel, which means labels can be printed on work orders or travelers along with other text. Almost any printer will work. Just enter text into any program then select the barcode font. The text will come out of the printer as a scannable label. The Barcode basics page has a download link for a font named IDAutomation. It is free.




Employee name

This is usually the first thing to scan before anything else. It identifies the username or employee doing the work. You can print this barcode label as an employee badge, or post it on a workbench to scan. (See Tools, Users and Organization) You’ll likely only print this barcode label once, and reuse it many times.

Employee ID

You can optionally scan an employee ID instead of the name. Scanning the ID has the same effect as scanning the name above.


This is a unique job number or name, and is usually the second barcode label to scan, just after username. It is the name of a project in Standard Time. (See Tools, Projects) Scanning this tells ST which job the employee is working on. Every time log in Standard Time requires a username and project.

Project code

This is similar to the job name above. Optionally scan a project code instead of the name. It has the same effect as the name.

Project task

Scanning project tasks is optional but recommended. Task names can be seen in the Project Tasks tab in ST. (Or, see File, Project Wizard) Each project can have a unique set of tasks, or the same ones. Task names do not need to be unique. You could use the same tasks for every project. Scanning the job name before the task identifies the work being performed. Normally, a timer will start immediately after scanning task names.


Scan the word STOP to stop a running timer. Normally, the username must be scanned first to identify which timer to stop. Each user has their own timer. See the Time Log view for running timers.


This “combination” scan contains the employee name and the word STOP on the same barcode label. It’s a shortcut for the username followed by a second scan of the word STOP.


Scanning “COMPLETED” is an alternative to scanning STOP. It performs two functions: stops the running timer, and marks the project task as complete. This is a convenient way to communicate the completion of a step or phase of a job to managers. After scanning supervisors and managers know this step has been completed.


This is another alternative to scanning STOP. It is similar to scanning COMPLETED. The timer is stopped, the task is marked complete, and percent complete is set to 100.


Scan the word CLEAR to clear the screen to start over. This clears previous input, allowing you to begin again. It can also be useful when sharing a scanning station and another employee has just finished. Clear their input before scanning your own. CLEAR does not stop a running timer. Scan STOP to do that. Or, scan CANCELTIMER to delete the last timer that was started.


CANCEL is an alternative to CLEAR. It does not stop a running timer. Scan STOP to do that. Or, scan CANCELTIMER to delete the last timer that was started.


This scan deletes a running timer. It is useful when a timer has started but you quickly realize that you made a mistake. Just scan CANCELTIMER to delete that last timer so you can start over.


This two-word scan displays the number of hours an employee has worked on the current shift or the current day. It’s useful feedback for employees who wonder how long they have worked today.


Scan this to restart a timer with the same information as your last job. Sometimes, employees perform the same work multiple times a day with breaks in between. For them, restarting the last task on the last job is common. This single scan offers that convenience.

Expense template name

Scan the name of any expense template to create a new expense record based on that template. See the timesheet for expense templates. Scanning the username and project before the template is useful to identify the template from others with the same name. Standard Time will find the template under the project that was just scanned. If no project is scanned, the first template with that name is used. A new expense record is created based on that template.

Inventory name

This the name of an inventory item. (See Tools, Inventory and Bill of Materials) Scan the name to deduct one item from stock. If an inventory item has sub-items, as with Bill of Materials, each sub-item will be deducted as well. Optionally, expense records may be created to record the date and time that the scan occurred. Certain optional events may also occur when inventory falls below the “reorder quantity.” Email notifications may go out, replenish projects may be created, and scripts may be called.

Inventory SKU, Code, Vendor SKU, Mfg SKU

These are alternatives to scanning inventory name. Any of these inventory fields does the same thing. This makes it convenient to scan SKU labels placed by manufacturers.


Scan this special barcode label to add new inventory into stock. This is normally performed when materials appear at the receiving dock and need to be added to inventory. Example: ADD-280-RODS increases rods by two-hundred-eighty items.


This special scan deducts multiple items from stock. This is the same as scanning an inventory name, but with the effect of reducing stock by a specified number. Example: SUB-50-PANELS takes fifty panels from stock.


Scan this to prompt for the number of items to deduct from stock. A small window appears, asking for the number of items to deduct. Users enter a value and click OK. Inventory stock is reduced by the number they enter.


These scans prompt for an inventory name or SKU, then a quantity. Once the prompts are satisfied, the inventory item will be added or deducted by the quantity entered. One good thing about this scan sequence is that you don't need to build barcode labels with the keywords "ADD-N-" or "PROMPT-" in them. The labels can be simple names or SKU's only.


Build and check inventory BOMs by scanning contributing inventory items. Scan INV-STOP to end a build or check session.


Use these special labels to manage stock levels at multiple locations. These scans let you add, subtract, set and move stock quantities. They will prompt for locations and quantities. View the results in the "Locations" column in the Inventory page.


Display a list of upcoming jobs for today or this week. This helps shop floor employees know what they should work on next. This barcode scan checks project "Start date" and "Assign to user" properties to intelligently display a list of jobs for the current scanned employee name.

Tool name

Scan “CHECKOUT TOOLNAME” to check a tool out of stock. Scan “CHECKIN TOOLNAME” to check it back in. This is a simple means of tool control for accountability. A full history of the tool is available for review. (See Tools, Tool Control)

Tool code, serial number

Scanning CHECKOUT and CHECKIN with the tool code or serial number is the same as scanning the name. Both have the same result. The tool is checked in or out to the employee, and a date/time stamp is recorded. This is a convenient way to scan existing manufacturer SKU labels rather than printing your own.

Client name

Scanning a client name is normally not necessary. Clients are already assigned to jobs so scanning a job results in an automatic acknowledgement of the client. But if a job does not have a client assigned you can scan it separately to associate a client with the work being performed. (See Tools, Clients)

Category name

Scanning categories is not normally necessary, especially when scanning project tasks. Categories are assigned to tasks, so scanning a task has the effect of automatically acknowledging the category. But if no tasks are assigned to a project then scanning a category will associate it with the work being performed. (See Tools, Categories)

Script name

Scanning script names is an advanced topic, best configured with help from Standard Time support personnel. Scripts can perform operations specific to your company. Examples are special emails sent during work on the shop floor, special database queries or entries, opening documents or drawings, or sending status back to managers. (See Tools, Scripts)

Script code

Scanning a script code is an alternative to scanning the name. The effect is the same.

Work order name

Scanning work order names is normally not necessary. Consider scanning project and task names instead. The only value in scanning a work order name is to associate that work order with the resulting time log. That is normally not necessary. A simple project and task is normally enough for reporting purposes.


Sets the "Active" property for the last scanned project. This allows employees to close down a job when it is complete. When a project has been deactivated, no more time can be logged for it. An administrator must reactivate the job before it can be scanned again.


Employees can use this scan to communicate project status from the shop floor. The status scanned here is saved with the current project record. This can be used to tell managers when a project reaches a stage or step in the overall process. Project and task status can be displayed in the WIP screen. (See View Work In Progress)


Scan this special barcode to communicate the status of the current task to managers. The status scanned here is saved in the task record. Employees can use this to tell managers when a stage or step in the process has been reached.


Work order status can be communicated from the shop floor with this special barcode label. Consider scanning PRSTATUS instead. PRSTATUS sets the project status rather than work order record.


Scan this to add one to the “Qty built” value in a work order record. Each time a new item is built, this scan will increment the value and help communicate the status of the work order to managers.


Scanning this special barcode label creates a single completed time log with a value in the “Text 1” field and a duration in hours. This simple scan is normally used for status only. It is recommended to use default scan settings for the user, project, and task so that the new time log will have prepopulated values relevant to the work being performed.


Scan this optional barcode label to add one to the quantity field on the running time log. This allows operators and employees to communicate progress on a work order. The Qty field can be used for Overall Equipment Effectiveness calculation. OEE = QTY% * PASS% * SPEED%


This scan is similar to QTY-ADD-N. It sets the current quantity for the running time log instead of adding one to it.


This optional scan allows employees to set the number of items that have passed QA inspection. The “Qty passed” field will be updated on the current running time log. The “Qty passed” field can be used for Overall Equipment Effectiveness calculation. OEE = QTY% * PASS% * SPEED%


This is similar to the PASS-ADD-N scan. It sets the “Qty passed” field instead of incrementing it.


Scanning this optional label sets the “Speed” field of the running time log. This is another employee communication method to record the speed of the current equipment in use at this time. The Speed field can be used for Overall Equipment Effectiveness calculation. OEE = QTY% * PASS% * SPEED%


The “++” separator allows you to scan a single barcode with multiple values embedded in one label. This simplifies scanning by reducing the number of distinct scans required. Any distinct scan above can be combined with any other using the “++” separator character sequence. QR codes are often used to save space when large sequences of characters must be scanned.

Scan ADDTIMER to add an additional timer for an employee. This allows employees to have multiple timers running simultaneously. The optional field value is used to find the same timer when scanning ENDTIMER.


This optional label adds a new job to the current timer. When the timer is finally stopped, the hours will be split evently across all jobs. This allows you to perform work for multiple jobs at the same time. When the work is complete, you have multiple time logs with project hours split evently. Optionally clear the list of jobs if you wish to start over.

Open all the project attachments for display. This is most often used to display job instructions or steps. Documents may be attached to projects and displayed using this optional barcode label.
Display a list of possible document for display. User then selects one to open. Documents may be attached to projects and displayed using this optional barcode label.
Stop multiple employee timers with a single scan. Optionally, stop all employee timers, or just the timers for the selected project and task, or just the timers for the selected project only. This operation can be performed at the end of the day or when an assembly line project changes and you wish all employees to start a new job.

Required Scans

Additional scans may collect special information that is saved to time logs. That information may be used for reporting, calculations, KPI’s, dashboards, displays, or other management purposes. An example is “Qty”. An additional popup could be created to ask for the quantity of items built. When operators scan or enter a value, it is saved in the Qty field of the new time log.

QR Codes

Scan QR codes with multiple fields to start timers, add time logs, add inventory items, run scripts, or perform other actions. QR values may be applied to time logs, inventory and other records you are scanning.




How to start a timer with barcodes

Scan sequence


1. Username

The employee who will be performing the work

2. Project name

The work order number or name that will be worked on

3. Task name

The task or step or phase of the work in progress


Normally, after scanning these three items, a timer will start. You can see the results in the Time Log in Standard Time. Each time log will contain a start time, stop time, actual duration, employee, project, task, and other information useful for reporting and calculations. Administrators can configure additional “Required Scans” to appear after scan #3, and must be completed before the timer will start.




How to stop a running timer with barcodes


Scan sequence


1. Username

The employee timer to stop


The word STOP ends the timer


All timers, whether running or stopped are visible in the Time Log view in Standard Time. Running timers will not contain a Stop time. After scanning STOP, the Stop time will be filled in and the record is considered complete. All jobs in progress are displayed in the WIP screen. See View, Work In Progress.




Default values supplied instead of scanning

You can optionally configure Standard Time or BC to automatically supply the following information with every scan. This reduces the number of required scans and simplifies employee input. The values below are normally scanned manually, in sequence. But they can be automatically supplied when the information never changes. An example might be that “John” always works in “Welding” at a certain workbench. The username John can be selected as a default item for a certain tablet workstation. The word “Welding” could be automatically supplied as the location. With this information automatically supplied, John only needs to scan a work order number and task. That has reduced the redundancy and monotony of the scanning process and made John’s life a little easier.


Default item



An employee who always works at one workstation


A project that is always underway at one workstation


A task that is always performed at a workstation

Text 1

Any special value you wish to collect at a workstation

Text 2

A second value

Text 3

A third value


The location this workstation is placed at


The device or machine this workstation is placed at



Where do I start barcoding on the shop floor?

Follow these general steps to begin scanning barcodes.

  1. Choose Tools, Users and Organization to see your username
  2. Print a label for that username (Use the IDAutomation font in MS Word)
  3. Choose File, Project Wizard to create a new project and tasks
  4. Print barcode labels for the new project and tasks
  5. Press the F4 window to begin accepting barcode scans
  6. Scan the username
  7. Scan the project name
  8. Scan a task name
  9. The timer will start
  10. Click the “Time Log” tab to see the new timer
  11. Perform the task you scanned
  12. Scan your usename again, after the task is complete
  13. Scan STOP to stop the timer
  14. Check the Time Log to view the completed scan



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