What is the first thing you look for when catching a flight at the airport? The “Departures” screen, right? Wouldn’t it be nice to have something like that for your manufacturing floor? For job status… You could see: • Where jobs are now • Who’s working on them • And when they’ll end Plus, you’d see: • Your favorite KPI’s • And work order status That’s all in the Work In Progress screen in Standard Time®  


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New functionality

  • No new functionality


  • Cloud: Improved formatting for Invoice Due Date and Date Sent
  • Cloud: Remember QuickBooks choices in cookies

Bug fixes

  • Fixed custom ‘Date/time’ fields do not have a dropdown symbol when empty


From http://www.strdtime.com

Hey, Sparky! You’re an electrical contractor, and you’ve been zapped so many times, you work as if everything is hot. You wear your gloves, check power, and stay safe. But here’s one thing you’ve probably forgotten: Tracking client jobs with Standard Time®. Don’t let this shock you, but you’re losing some huge business intel.

Like: • Billable verses non-billable time • Your effective billing rate • Average time for client jobs • Mileage deductions Download Standard Time, and light it up for every job!


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Facebook ►   / timesheetsoftware  

Linkedin ►   / scoutwestinc  

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YouTube Subscribe ► http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c...

New functionality

  • Added “Custom fields” filter options to filter by values in custom fields
  • Allow data to be imported from SQL databases using a connect string


  • Cloud: Display barcode error messages with red toaster message
  • Cloud: Only set newly imported clients and projects to “QuickBooks” folder

Bug fixes

  • Cloud: Fixed case where Properties panel wouldn’t appear after editing a record
  • Stop timers for logged-in user when choosing Project Task “Start timer”
  • Fixed filtering for assembly lines, portfolios, and project managers
  • Cloud: Fixed Time log “Billed” checkbox “checked” status after close and reopen

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