From I’m an engineering director, and here’s my dream: We’re putting Standard Time® on every desk to help manage our projects. • The project managers will schedule projects and tasks, and analyze results • Engineers will track tasks and close them out • HR gets PTO tracking for every employee • Executives find out which projects and portfolios mean the most to them I think that’s a worthwhile dream.
What do you think? I’m the engineering director, and I got Standard Time from
From Want to cut manufacturing costs by one percent? Then you’re going to need Standard Time®. And a barcode scanner. Got them both? Okay, try this: 1. Print time and material barcodes for your manufacturing process 2. Scan employee names, work orders, and tasks 3. Now find one small thing to trim 4. Measure and repeat
You’ll thank us when you reach one percent. Manufacturing and engineering run on Standard Time.