From Host: We’re talking with the greatest tech startup on the planet. Venture capital is king. Wayne: I wipe with stock certificates! Host: Everyone wants to be you! Let’s talk about your management style. Wayne: Employees do whatever they want. It’s a free-for-all! My programmers fight kangaroos on the roof arena. And there's fried chinchilla Wednesday and Beer Friday's. Host:

Employees party at work?

Wayne: I’m not their mother.

Host: How about your projects? Using Standard Time to track them?

Wayne: Time? We come in just in time for lunch .

Host: w w w . s t d The Standard Time timesheet. The project management app everybody uses.

Wayne: Will it help with my white panda fur coat? Hulk Hogan choked one out for me.

Host: You don’t schedule tasks?

Wayne: I schedule tribal wars in small countries.

Host: Don’t monitor employee utilization and effectiveness?

Wayne: Like a four hour power lunch after a Ferrari demolition derby?

Host: How do your customers get project status? You don’t use Standard Time for that?

Wayne: Customers? It’s all about the venture capital.

Host: You should at least check it out. Don’t you think? s t d time . com. Standard Time.

Wayne: I have a lake of printer ink in my back yard with a hump-back whale.

Host: There you have it folks! It’s 1999. What could possibly go wrong?

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From You don't need a steam engine to be more efficient on the job. (unless you're digging the panama canal) Fortunately, there is a time tracking app that might do the job just as well. Listen to the women trying to convince their boss to get a new time tracking app. They want one manager to consider the possibility that a better timesheet could reduce human error, and another manager that it could be better than the old fashioned spreadsheets. Nothing seems to work.

Woman 1: When’s our next break?

Manager 1: 18 hours

Woman 1: What if I showed you how to be more efficient with something called Standard Time?

Manager 1 (woman): A new steam engine to make these machines go faster?

Woman 1: No, for time tracking and project management. We could work less hours

Manager 1: What do you know about modern time management? Back to work!

Woman 2: I know it saves admin time and reduces human error

Woman 3: Better than the old-fashioned spreadsheets and paper time cards we use now

Manager 2 (man): Trouble over here?

Woman 1: Just saying how efficient this place is. Have you lost weight, sir?

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From Got a manufacturing shop? Check Got work orders with time and materials? Check Got any idea how long they take? No? Then you need Standard Time®. And a barcode scanner. Once you start scanning work orders on the shop floor, and finding how long they really take, you may get a little nervous. But nervous is good.

You can fix this.

Standard Time is the manufacturer’s best tool. Get it at

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New functionality

  • Added Time Off section to Timesheet
  • Added “Assign to users” to time off reasons


  • Web Edition: Pop up error when “Can change password” User Right is unchecked
  • Added “Approve Expenses” property to “Approve Time and Expenses” page
  • Disable Time Off approval section for non-admins
  • Made “Quoted cost” a summation column in Project Tasks page

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Time Off date calculation when employee schedule includes “Flex” days
  • Fixed “Favorites” being available in Project properties dropdown lists
  • Fixed clear filter choice for “Favorites” that failed to clear when button clicked
  • Fixed “No project task selected” error when editing time logs on a project row

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