From Meet Zach The educator of project geeks. And colossal user of Standard Time® Ask Zack. Define Time Management: Closely monitoring... The time you spend On tasks and admin So your project doesn’t bonk! In Standard Time, that means completing tasks invoicing clients and getting paid

Zach wants to know ??? How many hours a day do you use Standard Time?

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From We’re going to discuss RFID readers and RFID tags as it relates to Standard Time®. You may already know and seen the video on the Standard Time website that shows how to configure Standard Time to start and stop the timer with an RFID reader and RFID tags. If you haven’t seen that you probably should go out and look at it.

This video is more intended to show of some of the RFID tags that you can use and to inspire you to give this a try. Try different form factors of RFID tags in manufacturing, assembly line, employee time tracking, time and attendance, that sort of thing.

Basically what we’re talking about is a reader like this, an RFID reader, and an RFID tag; they can come in a lot of form factors as you saw here. In this case we have an employee badge and you simply get close to that and that starts the timer, do it again and it stops the timer. Standard Time will collect time for all the employees, for products that you may have these RFID tags on. You can use things like key fobs, you get that close to it and that starts the timer.

There are a lot of other kinds of RFID tags that you can use-here’s one that is water proof, you can put it around your wrist. You’ve got adhesive labels here so you can see these are peel off and that right there is an RFID tag that you can stick onto a box or a product.

When it goes down the line scan it on the scanner, that will start the timer, scan it again stop the timer. What you’re seeing here mostly is the antenna, all that silver part is the antenna. Then you’ve got the actual chip here. These don’t have batteries, they receive enough energy from the radio frequency power coming from the reader. They can excite the chip, start it up and that will transmit its ID to the reader. Then Standard Time uses that to start the timer. Scan it again, stop the timer.

This is an example of a roll you can get, a roll of a 1,000 of these things. Stick them on every product-beep, beep, beep as they go down the line and you can collect the information-this is adhesive. A lot of these other items are similar. In this case we’ve got the RFID on one side, you’ve got a barcode on the other side. You can scan this if you wanted to or RFID it.

You’ve got the key fobs here; a lot of other form factors a lot of tiny devices here that are also passive ID. These do not have batteries, they receive their energy through the reader when it interrogates. This is the inside of one of those fobs, you can see it is taken apart, it’s a coil wire.

This one might be an example of an active RFID tag where it has a battery inside. Whereas you saw before the distance on these is about 2 to 4 inches before they begin working those active ones be more like 1 foot to 20 feet.

Lots of different things you can go with here. You’ve got cards you can buy by the hundred; they will have the ID’s embedded right in them, everyone has a unique ID.

You can program those in Standard Time and start and stop a timer. What I’m trying to do here is inspire you to consider using a reader like this and Standard Time. Using any form factor that works for you in manufacturing, assembly, employee time and attendance. Whatever works for you; consider this as a possible way to track time with RFID tags.

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From Everyone in the modern world uses Standard Time® time tracking. See the people here. You've got consultants who track their time and expenses on smartphones. There are engineers that track projects in the cloud or desktop, and compare actual timesheet hours with estimates. There are even aerospace, medical, and technology companies tracking employee project hours. Take a look; you'll find something to modernize your business!

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From For those of you wanting an overview of Standard Time® 2022 here it is. You can actually download it. It is included in Standard Time 2021 and you can download today and begin using it. I’m going to give just a very brief overview of the navigation, the icons, the commands that you see here.

In other videos we’ll get deeper into each of these areas of the program. But for now, just a very brief overview.

Let’s start with the Home ribbon here. You see two home icons, Home and Home (All Views). The Home page allows you to click and ad icons to create a customized launching off page. The same thing is true of the Home (All Views) except that the icons are preinstalled and you can simply click and go.

Let’s go ahead and take a look at each of the ribbons here, and the commands in there. And to give you a flavor and overview of what’s in Standard Time 2022.

Start with the File menu, you have Database that allow you to connect to a database or perform operations on a database. You can log into Standard Time with your employee name, you can print the active content out to the printer or print preview. The active content can be refreshed every so many number of minutes to keep it up to date.

You can create new jobs, projects, work orders and tasks. Import records like time and materials from another system. And then export out to Excel, Word and other file formats. There are program options that you may want to set here. You can learn more about Standard Time, go to the website, see the version of Standard Time the copyright notice. And then here, exit the program.

Back up to the Home ribbon, again we have the Home icon and the Home (All Views). You can also refresh the active content, whatever you’re looking at, at this time. Search any view. Again, learn more about Standard Time. Log in to Standard Time with your username or change your password.

Up in the insert menu you can create new jobs, projects, work orders, time log records, tasks that you might perform work on or scan; materials that you might incur during execution of a job. Time off requests are for vacations, sick, comp time and for the accrual of hours. You can bill your client for time and materials, set up a template for materials that you might incur frequently.

The Timer menu lets you start your own timer or scan barcodes to start and stop the timer; stop your timer or create a new time log record.

The Tools ribbon lets you create a new job or project, work order, customers to bill time and materials to. View your organizational layout with work groups and employees. The type of work you do, approving time and expenses for other employees. And then you have integration for Microsoft® Project®, QuickBooks® and scripts that you might write to enhance Standard Time.

The Reports menu you have list of all your stock reports or you can open a report from any location. Publish custom reports from a file server and schedule any report to run on a periodic basis.

The View menu has the same Home and Home (All Views) choices. You can restore all the views back to defaults. You can look at the properties for any selected item that you may have clicked on. Filter the data that you see and then adjust or alter the settings for any view.

That’s pretty much it. That is an overview of Standard Time 2022. You can download, take a look at it right now and I hope you like it!


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From Hey… look at those engineers…They hate every stupid app you stick on their computers and phones, including social media and text messaging. But they don’t hate Standard Time®. Why is that? Here’s why: - This timekeeping app manages projects - It reminds you of things you forgot - You learn which projects mean the most to you - Plus, it has cool graphs you’ve never seen before.

Try Standard Time in your engineering shop. We promise your engineers won’t hate it.

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